Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A personal history of web textery and general welcome, hello, and introduction

My first "blog" (back when they were proto-"online journals") was created in middle school and featured a one sentence review of every classmate in my grade.

My second "blog" (when they became "online journals" and was made possible by the grandaddy of them all: Livejournal (shudder...) was a five year exercise in histrionics and curiously public documentations of male obsessions and masturbation habits, that disappeared as I wised up in college and/or was too stoned to bother.

My third "blog" (when online textygabfests came into their own with the official and awful name "blog") was created almost two months ago and features a single completed entry that is merely an introduction of things to come and around 7 drafts of posts (that actually are relatively interesting) that never were finished and probably never will be.

This is the fourth blog (I'll stop this quotes business, they're about as terrible as the word "blog" [oh damn, there I go again, trying to skirt acceptance of a shoddy word]) is merely here because:

a) I'm perturbed by the blossoming incomplete productivity of said third blog, which is tied to some weird innate need for over-production in the postings...
b) I came up with (what I believe to be) a quippy name, and needed to claim it before anybody else in an act of blogimperialism.
c) If Guillermo Scott Herren and Matthew Dear among many others can do the multiple name thing, why can't I?
d) Because!

I will hold myself back from giving this whole thing a theme or a overriding topical focus- in the end, such manifestos are for feeble minded pussies, and surely, ladies and gents, I am not one of those.

I am Dennis Michael Webber and I will triumph!


Devin is Magical said...
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Devin is Magical said...

I believe the word "blog" (gross) stemmed from calling them "web logs" and for some ungodly reason they decided that referring to them as "weblogs" took too long to say?

anyway, this is priceless.

boooo livejournal.

I deleted my previous post, because it had spelling and punctuation errors.

that is all.